Using Purchase Orders to Cut Wasteful Healthcare Spending

May 22, 2018

Using Purchase Orders to Cut Wasteful Healthcare Spending

Healthcare spending in the United States is the stuff of legenda massive expenditure that only […]

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Your Hospital Should Regularly Audit Purchased Services Vendors. Here’s Why.

May 08, 2018

Your Hospital Should Regularly Audit Purchased Services Vendors. Here’s Why.

If you’re responsible for leading a healthcare system, you already know that numerous vendors are […]

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Shackled to Spreadsheets: The Growing Costs of Healthcare RFPs

April 06, 2018

Shackled to Spreadsheets: The Growing Costs of Healthcare RFPs

Healthcare is notorious for long, crawling purchase cycles, and no process better demonstrates that than […]

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Category Deep Dive Locum Tenens: Are You Realizing Savings in this Purchased Service?

March 02, 2018

Category Deep Dive Locum Tenens: Are You Realizing Savings in this Purchased Service?

To ensure there’s no disruption to patient care or billable services, covering open, or even […]

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Category Snapshot Staffing: A Big Opportunity for Cost-Containment

March 02, 2018

Category Snapshot Staffing: A Big Opportunity for Cost-Containment

  A report by Kaufman, Hall & Associates revealed that the number of hospital mergers […]

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Stop Dreading Team Purchasing Decisions

February 10, 2018

Stop Dreading Team Purchasing Decisions

I heard a story last week that instantly took me back to my consulting days. […]

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What’s Ahead for Hospital Purchased Services Cost Reduction Technology in 2018

February 09, 2018

What’s Ahead for Hospital Purchased Services Cost Reduction Technology in 2018

Purchased services represents up to 45% of the non-labor expense budget within a health system. […]

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4 Methods of Decision Making – Which is Right for You?

January 18, 2018

4 Methods of Decision Making – Which is Right for You?

I recently read the book Crucial Conversations, when I came across a section that hit […]

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‘Speed Dating’ Vendors at Healthcare Conferences

January 03, 2018

‘Speed Dating’ Vendors at Healthcare Conferences

Conferences are popular ways to connect your healthcare organization’s internal intelligence to the external intelligence […]

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